Monday, September 15, 2008

" A real musical culture should not be a museum culture based on music of past ages....It should be the active embodiment in sound of the life of a community---of the everyday demands of people's work and play and of heir deepest spiritual needs."
--Wilfrid Mellers

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Music Is Rediscovered

After listening to Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart for my music appreciation class I realized that I have heard this piece many times growing up in my home.  But today there was something different. When I listened to this piece of music today, it was as if it were the most beautiful piece of music ever written.  I have found that when I learn something new about a piece of music and then turn that CD on to hear it again, the music becomes increasingly beautiful; more stirring than ever.  That is the value of learning how music is structured and the history of what was going on when the music was being written.  The power the music has to communicate is stronger than ever because we have a background of what the composer of that music is saying through his music.  

"Voices, instruments, and all possible sounds--even silence itself--must tend toward one goal, which is expression."  --C.W. Gluck