Sunday, May 31, 2009

I'm back and baking.  My newest creations have been of the oven, the one above being little french loaves baked on stones in my oven.  are you ready for THE SECRET to the smiles on our faces?
It all started when one day, my Dad and I wanted to try to make Indian naan bread for the curry dish we were having that evening.  I had made pita bread in the oven a few times at BYU and thought seriously, naan bread couldn't be too much different.  With a little magic that only google and youtube can provide, I had a recipe for naan bread and a step by step instructional video on how to do it in your kitchen.  The only thing I lacked was a baking stone which Nanjula, our youtube naan guru used.  I called people I knew around town that might have such ambitions to use a baking stone and found--no one. Not a soul.  My dad and I were left to our own wits if we were going to have our naan bread.  And have it we would.  While contemplating how we would get a baking stone, I looked down at the black tiles on floor of our kitchen's back entry and asked, "Dad, what are those tiles made out of?" And with that, we were off to find the slate tiles that were left over after the floor was put down. We washed them and heated them up in the oven to cook off any toxins and when our bread dough had proofed (which means that the yeast made it grow double its size. - you know, those wierd little beige balls of... who knows what) we were ready to do some baking, Indian style.  We rolled the dough out flat, patted some water on one side of the dough and slapped it on the hot stone.  We forgot one important detail that saved the future naan breads to come.  You have to poke the dough before you bake it our else it blows up like a balloon and cooks into a papery piece of parchment.  SO uncharacteristic of the tender naan bread I've sampled at Bombay House
The results with the naan were beautiful and that experience paved the way for these cute italian loaves to grace our table.  I learned my love for baking creations from the cute chic on the left.  We do have a slight resemblance wouldn't you say?  

Right now, I'm up in the woods and forest glens of Waterton Lakes National Park (aka the garden of Eden).  More pictures to come... 


Krista said...

OH! I love those girls!! Thanks for updating, I knew you'd be back :) Tell that family of yours I love the crazy out of them!

Momma Lowry said...

Delicious....and I mean the bread too! that Wendy and IRENE???? Wow! Jas you are too grown up..and I MISS YOU ALLL!

Jazmin said...

How are things down south my loves!!!?
I will tell them you guys said hi, I'll see them tonight when we go to Tayt's graduation banquet. Papito Low spoke at the graduation ceremony last night and gave a stirring and I'ld say a little unconventional speech to the grads and audience in attendance. You should ask for a picture of his slightly unconventional outfit and definitely unconventional boutineer. It was totally his own.
Miss you at the May long weekend shindig. Have you been able to see some pictures?

Sally said...

I love making my own naan bread... and we make it using planter plates from home depot. Cheaper then using baking stone products. Found in the seasonal section.

shauna said...

We made naan tonight with your dad. It turned out wonderfully...although I didn't poke them. They flattened again when they cooled. It was delicious...I won't go back to store bought unless it is an emergency!