Saturday, March 13, 2010

Harpe Diem

That’s how I got landed myself in a harp builder’s workshop in Maryland and there’s no place I’d rather be right now! It has already been an amazing experience. I have so much to tell you guys about.

First things first.

I can trace it back to that Sunday afternoon when I had been thinking about that relative who built harps. So, I decided I would just send an email to this relative of mine, who I’d never met, and throw the idea out there. Here’s part of the email I sent to Rick, the harp builder of Sligo harps:

“…I am still interested in the fact that you build harps! I think that is such a neat skill and I am interested in learning more about it and more about harp in general. …So I had this idea and I'd like to know what you think. Would you consider taking me on as an apprentice or intern of sorts for the month of March, so that I could learn how harps are made…

Just throwing the idea out there to see what could work…”

I really had no idea whether that idea I'd just thrown into cyberspace would fly, but on February 10th I got a phone call from Rick Kemper of Sligo Harps ... ! ... Here's some snippets from the email he later sent me as a recap of our conversation:

“But of course we'd love to have you, given the provisos we discussed earlier today.

-There is no pay.

-If you are a danger to yourself or the shop, we'll have to figure something else out

-If you prove handy and able, you are likely to return with a nice new harp

-We will feed you and provide a bed in the guest bedroom for the duration of your stay

-I work at an office during the day so harp building happens in the evenings and on weekends

-We have good public transportation, so you can go see D.C. sights during the day

-You will be exposed to the privations of living with an active family of 6

-No drinking, smoking or carousing out till dawn with the boys “

If you can make it two days earlier, February 27, you could go to the masters workshop on the 28th and March 1 with Meave Gilchrist (

While you are up here, you can go to harp lessons with Caroline to learn a few tunes from Sue Richards (facebook and"

I could hardly contain my excitement when I emerged from my bedroom to announce to my roommates the newest developments in my plans. These were provisos I could DEFINITELY live with.

Have you been thinking of things you want to do after my first blog entry? I’d love to hear them! Leave a comment!


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