Saturday, June 21, 2008


Summers never seem to last long enough, so to make this summer and every subsequent summer memorable, Chuck (my sister Karli) and I decided to have themed summers. So now, it is time to publicly announce the this summer's theme:
This summer is the Summer of Bananas.

Chuck and I read about this idea of having themed summers in a magazine and decided we should theme ours. A banana themed summer seemed like the perfect fit because we have been so excited about bananas ever since we moved in together. It could be their fantastic color -yellow always makes me happy-, their place in my books as nature's best convenience food, or the fact that monkeys are associated with them. I love monkeys, I always have.
In Junior High, I had a little white plush monkey named Herman, and he was the pride and joy of my life. My friends and I took him on our epic adventures to Echo Lake, he journied to Mr Patterson's math class in my backpack, and I even brought him to Merida, Mexico for the time my family spent there together in 1999-2000. I told my friends that my favorite animal was a monkey, just like Herman, and that I would have a little white monkey, with a beard, when I was older.
Once again, I love monkeys and the bananas that are associated with them.

So what does one do with a banana themed summer? I have some ideas:
1) THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER: is to always have bananas on hand. You never know when they could be incorporated into our summer activities.
2) Banana smoothies. Our Austrailian friend showed us this banana smoothie concoction that will go down in history-at least my history. It has bananas of course, breyers icecream, Canadian honey (thanks to my parents), and a little something I had never thought of before, but it makes all the difference. NUTMEG! What a potent little spice that puts a banana smoothie to the next galaxy. Wow.
3) Banana T-shirts. A themed summer would not be complete with out rocking a banana T-shirt. If anyone has a winning design, send it my way.
4) Banana grocery bag (pronounced BAAY-guh in Canadian). Since Chuck moved in with me, we have decided to be more environmentally friendly and use reuseable grocery bags. They are quite plain and need some banana-y decoration.
5) Alliteration always brings out great ideas. Banana bandanas, banana bags, banana bombs, banana boats, banana bugs, banana BBQ, banana books, banana buddhas, banana boots, banana babies, banana boxes, banana binoculars.

Hit me with all of your ideas!
Bring on the summer of Bananas!


(H)ale(x) said...

This is the greatest idea ever. I have some banana songs I can teach you that'd be fun... maybe. Three of my EFY groups this year have had banana themed cheers for some reason (I'd like to take credit for that one)... sigh... I want to be part of the banana summer.

shauna said...

Happy Birthday Jasmine! Are you having a banana cake shaped like a banana for you banana summer birthday? I don't like bananas but I LOVE you! Have a fun summer!

Dusty said...

A banana split slip-and-slide. Big tarp, lots of bananas and ice cream, a grassy hill... lots of yellow-fruit fun.

shauna said...

Soooooo, my girls had a banana summer of their own...they ground 2 bananas into my living room carpet and my mattress after they stripped the bedding off. It was a pain to clean up...and have I mentioned I don't like bananas? Talk about gag me with the smell while I was cleaning that up! Love you...

(H)ale(x) said...

With a stop light, green means 'go' and yellow means 'slow down'. With a banana, however, it is quite the opposite. Yellow means 'go', green means 'whoa, slow down', and red means 'where the heck did you get that banana?'